The MDA Board is comprised of each of the chairs of the Regions of the MDA.

On an annual basis, at a Board Meeting, the Board will elect a President, a Vice President, and a Treasurer, to serve for the financial year.

The most recent election of the National Executives occurred during Board Meeting 423, 6 November 2023.

National President

Mayor Craig Davies

Vice President

Cr Glen Andreazza


Peter George

Chair: Cr David Thurley

AlburyCity Council

  • Email:

    Ph: 0419 510 274

  • David moved to Albury over 40 years ago as the Technical Manager for Australian Newsprint Mills. Some time later he started his own consultancy business specialising in environmental matters and industrial wastewater treatment. In this role he worked in a number of countries including Brazil, Greece, France, Malaysia and the UK.

    David is now retired and was first elected to Council in 2012, and has served on several committees including currently being the Region 1 Chair of the Murray Darling Association and National President.

    Outside of Council, David is President of the Astronomical Society of Albury Wodonga and does volunteer science teaching in small local schools.

Chair: Cr Geoff Dobson

Greater Shepparton City Council

  • Email:

    Ph: 0434 932 103, 0458 349 995

  • I have lived in Shepparton for most of my life and my family is a third generation of Shepparton residents.

    I was involved in the real estate industry for 35 years and in that time have owned two real estate offices, working mainly in commercial and residential real estate sales and property management and auctioneering. I served as Director of the Real Estate Institute of Victoria (REIV) for nine years and held the role of Victorian State President of the REIV.

    This is my second term as a Councillor, previously serving as Mayor from 2008-2011. I offer my vast experience in public authorities when assessing policies that come before Council for determination.

    We need positive, conservative and consistent leadership as we recover from COVID-19, and I will assist fellow councillors to achieve those aims.

    I will continue to examine the burden of rates on commercial, industrial, rural and residential ratepayers, assist in producing positive climate change outcomes, assist outlying communities, address our water and environmental challenges and advocate for ratepayers.

    I will also assist in the development of proper planning processes.

    We must assist our major tourist attractions such as SAM and the Botanic Gardens to grow and prosper as national destinations. The Eastbank Lake Project will get my ongoing focus as well.

Chair: Vacant

  • Email:


  • TBC

Chair: Cr Jason Modica

Mildura Rural City Council

  • Email:

    Ph: 0400 103 082

  • Cr Jason Modica became a Councillor for the first time in 2016. A ceramic tiler and father of teens, Cr Modica lives in Nichols Point with his partner Danielle and is passionate about the region he calls home. During his first term, Cr Modica served twice as Deputy Mayor and held the Arts and Culture portfolio as well as supporting the Environment, Water Literacy, Sustainable Farming and Equitable tax distribution from the three tiers of Government. He represented Mildura Rural City Council (MRCC) at the South Australian Royal Commission into the Murray Darling Basin Plan, Municipal Association of Victorian Annual General Meeting, Australian Local Governments Association Annual General Meeting and the Central Victorian Greenhouse Alliance Board. Councillor Modica ran as an independent Candidate in the 2019 Federal Election with an environmental platform centred on a scientific and hydrological interpretation of the needs of the rivers, creeks, and wetlands in the Murray Darling Basin. In his first year of his second term Cr Modica was elected as Mayor. He was Chair of the Murray River Group of Councils, a group established during the millennial drought to assist Victorian Riverine councils from Moira to Mildura to work through the privatisation of water rights and the commodification of water.

    During his year as Mayor, Councillor Modica represented MRCC at Regional Cities Victoria. In this role,

    Cr Modica also has participated in: • Audit and Risk Committee

    • Central Victorian Green House Alliance

    • Municipal Emergency Management Committee

    • Municipal Association of Victoria

    • Northwest Municipalities Group

    • Northwest Rail Alliance.

    Currently, Cr Modica is Deputy Mayor and holds the Environment and Sustainability portfolio. Cr Modica completed the Australian Institute of Company Directors and participated in the Australian Conservation Foundation River Fellowship in 2018. Cr Modica has represented MRCC at the Murray Darling Association and has long standing connections with the MDBA and other agencies in the water sector. Cr Modica is passionate about social and regional economic development, energy transition, water literacy, service access and social justice. He is keen to shape the local community’s future, putting honesty, integrity, and authenticity at the centre of representation, as well as fighting for transparency and good governance.

Chair: Cr Andrew Kassebaum

Berri Barmera Council

  • Email:

    Ph: 0409 097 103

Chair: Mayor Wayne Thorley

Rural City of Murray Bridge

  • Email:

    Ph: 0429 347 402, or 08 8539 1100

Chair: Cr Andrew Tilley

City of Mitcham

  • Email:

    Ph: 0411 158 882

Chair: Vacant

  • Email:


Chair: Cr Shari Blumer

Griffith City Council

Chair: Mayor Craig Davies

Narromine Shire Council

  • Email:

    Ph: 0429 887 707

Chair: Mayor Russell Webb

Tamworth Regional Council

Chair: Cr Robyn Fuhrmeister

Balonne Shire Council


Peter George

M+S Group Accounting Pty Ltd

  • Pete is Partner and Associate of M+S Group Accounting Pty Ltd and has been with the firm since 1990. 

    With over 30 years experience in the field, he is a member of the Australian Society of Certified Practicing Accountants and has a vast knowledge of taxation, GST, business structures, Self-Managed Super Funds, succession planning, general and specialist accounting. Prior to becoming an Accountant, Pete was a Systems Analyst and Computer Programmer, fluent in four languages.  Pete is a current Professional Partner of XERO, MYOB, Intuit and Reckon products.

    Pete brings his considerable skill and commitment to several not-for-profit boards, and is also an Angel Flight Pilot in his spare time.

    As an accountant supporting farmers, families, and businesses across the Southern Connected Basin, Pete has a deep and personal commitment to ensuring that the resources of the Murray Darling Basin serve the needs of our communities and the natural environment for all generations yet to come. 




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