On this page: Regions of the MDA | Council/Region Breakdown
Regional meetings are held quarterly in various locations in the region. These meetings are an opportunity for councils and other members to access and contribute important information on the management of the Murray-Darling Basin resources, and issues affecting local communities.
The resolutions and minutes of these meetings provide the imprimatur for our regions’ engagement and advocacy across the Basin.
Chair: Greater Shepparton City Council
Chair: AlburyCity Council
Chair: City of Mitcham
Chair: Vacant
Chair: Vacant
Chair: Broken Hill City Council
Chair: Forbes Shire Council
Chair: Griffith City Council
Chair: Renmark-Paringa Council
Chair: Tamworth Regional Council
Chair: Rural City of Murray Bridge
Chair: Balonne Shire Council
The Murray Darling Association is a membership-based peak representative organisation representing local government and the communities we serve across the Murray-Darling Basin since 1944.
As the third level of government in Australia, and the one most directly connected to community, local government has a valuable contribution to make in the processes, community consultation, and the formulation of decisions made and taken in the continuing implementation of the Basin Plan. This is enhanced beyond measure when local government is working together Basin wide.
Built on a strong foundation of good governance, we work with and for member councils, in collaboration with state based local government associations (LGA SA, MAV, LGA NSW, and LGAQ), Regional Organisations of Councils, Joint Organisations and other local government affiliations.
The Murray Darling Association provides our members with the means and opportunity to actively participate in informing water policy, and provides state and Federal governments, the MDBA and other agencies with an opportunity to access community consultation and perspectives via a comprehensive community network coverage.
Member Councils | Eligible Councils
Albury City Council
Federation Council
Snowy Valleys Council
Indigo Shire Council
Towong Shire Council
Alpine Council
Baw Baw Shire Council
Benalla Rural City Council
East Gippsland Shire Council
Greater Hume Shire Council
Mansfield Shire Council
Wangaratta Rural City Council
Snowy Monaro Regional Council
Wodonga City Council
Member Councils | Eligible Councils
Greater Shepparton City Council
Moira Shire Council
Federation Council
Berrigan Shire Council
Campaspe Shire Council
Edward River Council
Greater Bendigo City Council
Macedon Ranges Shire Council
Mitchell Shire Council
Murrindindi Shire Council
Strathbogie Shire Council
City of Whittlesea
Yarra Ranges Shire Council
Member Councils | Eligible Councils
Ararat Rural City Council
Moorabool Shire Council
Ballarat City Council
Mount Alexander Shire Council
Murray River Council
Northern Grampians Shire Council
Buloke Shire Council
Pyrenees Shire Council
Central Goldfields Shire Council
Swan Hill Rural City Council
Gannawarra Shire Council
Hepburn Shire Council
Horsham Rural City Council
Loddon Shire Council
Member Councils | Eligible Councils
Broken Hill City Council
Central Darling Shire Council
Mildura Rural City Council
Wentworth Shire Council
Balranald Shire Council
Hindmarsh Shire Council
West Wimmera Shire Council
Yarriambiack Shire Council
Member Councils | Eligible Councils
Berri Barmera Council
District Council of Karoonda East Murray
District Council of Loxton Waikerie
Mid Murray Council
Renmark Paringa Council
Member Councils | Eligible Councils
Alexandrina Council
Kingston District Council
Coorong District Council
The Rural City of Murray Bridge
Southern Mallee District Council
Tatiara District Council
City of Victor Harbour
Member Councils | Eligible Councils
City of Mitcham
City of Adelaide
City of Holdfast Bay
City of Tea Tree Gully
City of Charles Sturt
City of Norwood Payneham & St Peters
Adelaide Hills Council
City of Playford
City of Prospect
Campbelltown City Council
District Council of Yankalilla
Town of Walkerville
Town of Gawler
City of Marion
Mount Barker District Council
City of Onkaparinga
City of Port Adelaide Enfield
City of Salisbury
City of Unley
City of West Torrens
City of Burnside
Member Councils | Eligible Councils
Northern Areas Council
Adelaide Plains Council
Wakefield Regional Council
Regional Council of Goyder
Barossa Council
Whyalla City Council
Clare and Gilbert Valleys Council
District Council of Barunga West
District Council of Yorke Peninsula
Light Regional Council
District Council of the Copper Coast
District Council of Peterborough
District Council of Mount Remarkable
District Council of Orroroo Carrieton
Port Augusta City Council
Port Pirie Regional Council
Member Councils | Eligible Councils
Carrathool Shire Council
Temora Shire Council
Hay Shire Council
Hilltops Shire Council
Lockhart Shire Council
Junee Shire Council
Murrumbidgee Council
Weddin Shire Council
Wagga Wagga City Council
Queanbeyan-Palerang Regional Council
Narrandera Shire Council
Yass Valley Council
Leeton Shire Council
Coolamon Shire Council
Griffith City Council
Cootamundra-Gundagai Regional Council
Member Councils | Eligible Councils
Bourke Shire Council
Bathurst Regional Council
Muswellbrook Shire Council
Cobar Shire Council
Bland Shire Council
Oberon Council
Cowra Shire Council
Blayney Shire Council
Orange City Council
Dubbo Regional Council
Bogan Shire Council
Parkes Shire Council
Forbes Shire Council
Cabonne Council
Singleton Council
Lachlan Shire Council
Goulburn Mulwarra Council
Upper Hunter Shire Council
Narromine Shire Council
City of Lithgow Council
Upper Lachlan Shire Council
Warren Shire Council
Mid Western Regional Council
Warrumbungle Shire Council
Member Councils | Eligible Councils
Brewarrina Shire Council
Armidale Regional Council
Coonamble Shire Council
Glen Innes Severn Council
Gunnedah Shire Council
Inverell Shire Council
Gwydir Shire Council
Moree Plains Shire Council
Liverpool Plains Shire Council
Narrabri Shire Council
Tamworth Regional Council
Uralla Shire Council
Tenterfield Shire Council
Walcha Council
Walgett Shire Council
Member Councils | Eligible Councils
Balonne Shire Council
Blackall Tambo Regional Council
South Burnett Regional Council
Goondiwindi Regional Council
Bulloo Shire Council
Southern Downs Regional Council
Central Highlands Regional Council
Toowoomba Regional Council
Lockyer Valley Regional Council
Western Downs Regional Council
Maranoa Regional Council
Murweh Shire Council
Paroo Shire Council
Quilpie Shire Council
Scenic Rim Regional Council
Chair: Cr David Thurley
AlburyCity Council
Email: david.thurley@alburycity.nsw.gov.au
Ph: 0419 510 274
David moved to Albury over 40 years ago as the Technical Manager for Australian Newsprint Mills. Some time later he started his own consultancy business specialising in environmental matters and industrial wastewater treatment. In this role he worked in a number of countries including Brazil, Greece, France, Malaysia and the UK.
David is now retired and was first elected to Council in 2012, and has served on several committees including currently being the Region 1 Chair of the Murray Darling Association and National President.
Outside of Council, David is President of the Astronomical Society of Albury Wodonga and does volunteer science teaching in small local schools.
Chair: Cr Geoff Dobson
Greater Shepparton City Council
Email: Geoffrey.dobson@shepparton.vic.gov.au
Ph: 0434 932 103, 0458 349 995
I have lived in Shepparton for most of my life and my family is a third generation of Shepparton residents.
I was involved in the real estate industry for 35 years and in that time have owned two real estate offices, working mainly in commercial and residential real estate sales and property management and auctioneering. I served as Director of the Real Estate Institute of Victoria (REIV) for nine years and held the role of Victorian State President of the REIV.
This is my second term as a Councillor, previously serving as Mayor from 2008-2011. I offer my vast experience in public authorities when assessing policies that come before Council for determination.
We need positive, conservative and consistent leadership as we recover from COVID-19, and I will assist fellow councillors to achieve those aims.
I will continue to examine the burden of rates on commercial, industrial, rural and residential ratepayers, assist in producing positive climate change outcomes, assist outlying communities, address our water and environmental challenges and advocate for ratepayers.
I will also assist in the development of proper planning processes.
We must assist our major tourist attractions such as SAM and the Botanic Gardens to grow and prosper as national destinations. The Eastbank Lake Project will get my ongoing focus as well.
Chair: Vacant
Chair: Cr Marion Browne
Broken Hill City Council
Email: marion.browne@brokenhill.nsw.gov.au
Ph: 0427 057 967
Chair: Cr Margaret Howie
Renmark-Paringa Council
Email: crhowie@renmarkparinga.sa.gov.au
Phone: 0438 112 570
Chair: Mayor Wayne Thorley
Rural City of Murray Bridge
Email: mayor@murraybridge.sa.gov.au
Ph: 0429 347 402, or 08 8539 1100
Chair: Cr Andrew Tilley
City of Mitcham
Email: atilley@mitcham.sa.gov.au
Ph: 0411 158 882
Chair: Vacant
Chair: Cr Glen Andreazza
Griffith City Council
Email: gandreazza@griffith.com.au
Ph: 1300 176 077
Chair: Mayor Craig Davies
Narromine Shire Council
Email: cr.cdavies@narromine.nsw.gov.au
Ph: 0429 887 707
Chair: Mayor Russell Webb
Tamworth Regional Council
Email: r.webb@tamworth.nsw.gov.au
Ph: 0429 777 133
Chair: Mayor Samantha O’Toole
Balonne Shire Council
Email: samantha.otoole@balonne.qld.gov.au
Ph: 0428 887 100