On this page: 72nd National Conference and AGM
72nd National Conference
Local Government. The Voice of the Basin.
Date 26 - 27 OCT 2016
Venue Dubbo, NSW
If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us at t.phillips@mda.asn.au or (03) 5480 3805.
The MDA represents local government and the communities of the Murray-Darling Basin: That is 14 percent of the land mass of Australia, encompassing 179 councils, 82 of which are currently members of the MDA.
That is a powerful voice.
In 2014, the Hon Craig Knowles then Chair of the MDBA, signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the MDA. That MOU acknowledges the key role of local government in the governance of the Murray-Darling Basin, and the importance of local knowledge to effective decision making in the implementation of the Basin Plan. Mr Knowles said then:
“If the MDA didn’t exist, we’d have to invent it”
noting that local government must have the means and opportunity to actively participate in informing water policy to give best effect to the implementation of the Basin Plan. The MDA’s strength and success relies upon the active participation of our member councils. It is the technical and professional expertise that is uniquely invested in local government, that gives voice to the needs of our communities, individually and collectively across the Basin.

The Murray Darling Association provides a monthly electronic newsletter to stakeholders which continues on from the Basin Bulletin - editions available for download in PDF below.
We look forward to hearing from you, and hope that the information contained in the newsletters assists you.
To share your feedback about any of the newsletters or if you have any questions, please contact your Region Chair or email t.phillips@mda.asn.au